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Yoga Magazine: Mudra Magic in the Mountains

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jun 09, 2024

See the full article here:

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Luxury Wellness Retreat in Vietnam - Tranquil Elegance

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Apr 11, 2024

Join us for a transformative 5-day/4-night retreat in 5-star luxury at Zannier Hotels Bãi San Hô in Vietnam guided by physician and renowned yoga teacher, Ingrid Yang M.D., C-IAYT, E-RYT-500. Immerse yourself in...

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Peloton: Here's How to Flow Through Sun Salulations Confidently

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Apr 05, 2024

Foundational sequences that invigorate both your body and mind, Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskars) stand as the cornerstone of both Vinyasa and Hatha yoga practices. You may have even encountered them in a...

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Can You Say Fierce? Discover Your Inner (and Lower-Body) Strength With Warrior Pose

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Mar 19, 2024

Yoga's warrior pose (virabhadrasana in Sanskrit) stands as a symbol of strength and endurance, embodying the qualities of the fierce warrior Virabhadra from Hindu mythology. This formidable asana, in its...

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How to Do Crow Pose In Yoga Without Falling on Your Face

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Mar 08, 2024

Crow pose in yoga, known in Sanskrit as bakasana, is a hard-to-nail arm balance that's on many yogis' bucket lists. Those who've mastered it swear that it's all about perfecting...

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The Kriyas: A Journey through Rancho Pescadero's Spiritual Retreat

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Mar 05, 2024

During my first yoga teacher training in the 1990s, we were introduced to the yoga kriyas and had the opportunity to explore them briefly. However, given the format of a...

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How To Bend and Not Break While Doing Bridge Pose in Yoga

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Feb 27, 2024

Bridge pose in yoga, also known by its Sanskrit name setu bandha sarvangasana, is a staple in most asana practices, accessible to beginners yet still challenging for advanced practitioners; it's not...

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You Shouldn't Be Scared of Yoga Inversions. Here's How to Nail Going Upside Down

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Feb 12, 2024

Inversions in yoga are like the salt of a dish: A small pinch can transform the whole experience. While you may assume that inversions have to be complex or intense,...

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Open Your Heart and Release Your Lower Back With Cobra Pose

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jan 28, 2024

Get ready to slither into the world of cobra pose, also known as bhujangasana in yoga. This isn't just another yoga pose: It's your ticket to a stronger, more flexible...

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