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How to Practice Wheel Pose

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jan 19, 2024

Your yoga practice is more than just an exercise routine. It's a holistic journey of self-discovery, strength, and flexibility. Within its myriad of poses, or asanas, one in particular often...

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6 Chair Yoga Poses You Can Practice Anywhere

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Nov 07, 2023

Chair yoga is for everyone—really. Regardless of whether you have limited mobility or simply spend all day sitting at your desk, this type of yoga is accessible, versatile, and, most...

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If Yoga Leggings Are Always Too Long On You, You Need These 7 Options

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Aug 30, 2023

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How to Ease Your Motion Sickness—No Medication Required

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jul 31, 2023

I t’s summer. That means it’s time for road trips, sailing excursions, or flying off to vacation destinations. But all that getting away isn’t much fun if traveling makes you...

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Why You Should Take a Yoga Retreat That Scares the Heck Out of You

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jul 06, 2023

If you think of yoga retreats as a way to escape the stresses of everyday life, you’re not alone. They can be a chance to unwind and let go of...

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Can Breathwork Help You Avoid Altitude Sickness?

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jul 02, 2023

For those of us with adventurous spirits, few experiences can match the exhilaration of ascending majestic mountains and basking in awe-inspiring views. But pursuing this breathtaking beauty may come with...

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The Most Relaxing Yoga Retreat Ever. (And It’s In Your Own Backyard.)

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | May 18, 2023

The original article was posted on YogaJournal. Read the article here. As a physician working in a hospital, I’m generally on the schedule for seven days straight, then have seven...

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The Surprising Cause of Your Neck Pain

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Apr 29, 2023

Original article posted on Read the original article here. Many of us spend the majority of our time hunched over computer screens, scrolling through social media, or slouching on...

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Should You Add Yoga to Your HIIT Workout?

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Apr 28, 2023

Article originally posted on Read the original article here. You’re busy. Between long hours at work, family demands, and social obligations, it can be difficult to squeeze a workout...

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