Luxury Wellness Retreat in Vietnam – Tranquil Elegance

Join us for a transformative 5-day/4-night retreat in 5-star luxury at Zannier Hotels Bãi San Hô in Vietnam guided by physician and renowned yoga teacher, Ingrid Yang M.D., C-IAYT, E-RYT-500. Immerse yourself in daily yoga practices, ranging from invigorating vinyasa flows in the mornings to restorative yin, yoga nidra, and reiki in the evenings. You’ll enjoy a traditional Vietnamese cooking class with the renowned Vietnamese chef, spend a day on a cultural tour of the neighboring Vietnamese village, and indulge in the most delicious food you will ever eat! This retreat offers a harmonious blend of wellness and cultural immersion amidst the natural beauty of a secluded Vietnamese peninsula.

Experience tranquility in luxurious villas that represent Vietnam’s architectural heritage, enjoy diverse culinary experiences, and holistic spa treatments. Engage in beach and water activities or explore the local culture and history. Surrounded by lush hills and a pristine coral bay, this retreat is an ideal setting for rejuvenation and inner peace.

Sign up early because all of Ingrid’s retreats sell out at least 6 months in advance!

Peloton: Here’s How to Flow Through Sun Salulations Confidently

Foundational sequences that invigorate both your body and mind, Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskars) stand as the cornerstone of both Vinyasa and Hatha yoga practices. You may have even encountered them in a yoga class without even realizing it. As some of the most familiar sequences in any practice, Sun Salutations consist of familiar postures, including Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), and Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana).

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned practitioner, you can always deepen your understanding of these movement patterns. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of these sequences, as well as unravel the distinctive characteristics of Sun Salutation A and B.

Can You Say Fierce? Discover Your Inner (and Lower-Body) Strength With Warrior Pose

Yoga’s warrior pose (virabhadrasana in Sanskrit) stands as a symbol of strength and endurance, embodying the qualities of the fierce warrior Virabhadra from Hindu mythology. This formidable asana, in its three forms, is an expression of physical prowess and a testament to mental resilience—and it makes you feel strong AF when you can nail it.

Warrior 1 builds strength and flexibility in a forward-facing stance, emphasizing hip and chest opening. In contrast, warrior 2 takes a sideways stance, targeting leg strength, hip opening, and shoulder alignment. Warrior 3, the most advanced, involves balancing on one leg while leaning forward, enhancing balance and whole-body strength.

Read the full article on Well+Good.

How to Do Crow Pose In Yoga Without Falling on Your Face

Crow pose in yoga, known in Sanskrit as bakasana, is a hard-to-nail arm balance that’s on many yogis’ bucket lists. Those who’ve mastered it swear that it’s all about perfecting your form, but for many of us, the pose often serves as a call to go splat on the mat. But crow pose is more than just an intimidating arm balance—it’s your chance to take flight.

This pose masterfully blends strength, agility, and mental focus, making it an ideal launchpad for both yoga novices and adept practitioners.

Read the full article on Well+Good.

The Kriyas: A Journey through Rancho Pescadero’s Spiritual Retreat

During my first yoga teacher training in the 1990s, we were introduced to the yoga kriyas and had the opportunity to explore them briefly. However, given the format of a 200-hour training, we only had limited time to delve into the practices. The fleeting introduction to these kriyas hindered my ability
to appreciate their transformative potential. Now, over 20 years later, as my students expressed curiosity about these cleansing practices, I decided to embark upon a pilgrimage to better understand these techniques. It was during this journey that I discovered Rancho Pescadero, a nurturing, grounded, and beautiful retreat that provided the ideal environment to immerse oneself in the profound depths of the kriyas.

Read the full article here.

How To Bend and Not Break While Doing Bridge Pose in Yoga

Bridge pose in yoga, also known by its Sanskrit name setu bandha sarvangasana, is a staple in most asana practices, accessible to beginners yet still challenging for advanced practitioners; it’s not only great for core strengthening, but it also offers notable benefits for flexibility and back health.

“Bridge pose is a one-stop shop for core strength,” says Esther Yaniv, MD, E-RYT 200, physical medicine and rehab physician and registered yoga teacher. “It engages the deep postural muscles, specifically the multifidus muscles, which are essential for spinal support.” Your multifidi are deep stabilizer muscles that run along either side of your spinal column.

Read the full article on Well+Good.

You Shouldn’t Be Scared of Yoga Inversions. Here’s How to Nail Going Upside Down

Inversions in yoga are like the salt of a dish: A small pinch can transform the whole experience. While you may assume that inversions have to be complex or intense, such poses go beyond Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) or Supported Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana), encompassing a broad range of energizing, restorative, and even therapeutic postures. With inversions, you’ll find that they flip your perspective upside down—both literally and metaphorically. Here, we break down everything you need to know about inversions, including how to do them safely, what they are, who should avoid them, and common mistakes.

Read the full article on Peloton.

Open Your Heart and Release Your Lower Back With Cobra Pose

Get ready to slither into the world of cobra pose, also known as bhujangasana in yoga. This isn’t just another yoga pose: It’s your ticket to a stronger, more flexible body, and a heart that’s bursting with joy.

Cobra pose is a distinctively heart-opening yoga pose, meaning it stretches and expands the chest area. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into its variations, reveal alignment secrets, and show you why this full-body pose is an integral part of your yoga practice.

Read the full article on Well+Good.

How to Practice Wheel Pose

Your yoga practice is more than just an exercise routine. It’s a holistic journey of self-discovery, strength, and flexibility. Within its myriad of poses, or asanas, one in particular often stands out for its combination of challenge and reward: Wheel Pose. Here, we’ll dive into how to understand, practice, and master Wheel Pose, providing detailed step-by-step instructions, potential modifications, and common mistakes to avoid.

Read the full article on Peloton.