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Yoga Magazine: Yoga for JOMO

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Feb 18, 2022

Read Ingrid's article in Yoga Magazine's March 2022 issue on Yoga for The Joy of Missing out, including a yin sequence for you to practice!  

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5 Yoga Poses to Ease Your Aching Neck

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jan 28, 2022

Technology can (quite literally) cause a pain in your neck. Luckily, your practice can help you find relief. At least half of us will experience neck pain in our lifetimes,...

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How a Yoga Holiday in Portugal Led to Personal Transformation For this Doctor and Yogi

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Nov 19, 2021

YOGA Magazine Dec 2021_ Ingrid Y

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8 Expert Tips to Make a Yoga Teacher Website That Shines

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Nov 02, 2021

Marketing yourself can feel downright unyogic, but it is possible to do it authentically—starting with your website. As a yoga teacher, you are brilliant at what you do. Now, you...

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Yoga Teachers: Here’s Exactly What You Should Charge For Classes

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 27, 2021

There's no magic formula, but these tips and strategies will help you identify a price that you are comfortable charging.   Determining how much to charge for your classes and...

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Women to Watch: Ingrid Yang

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 19, 2021

This article was originally published on STRONG. Read the original version here.   Age: 41     Hometown: San Diego, CA     Gig: Physician, Yoga Therapist & Meditation Teacher  ...

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5 Reasons Why Even the Best Yoga Teachers Need Liability Insurance

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 18, 2021

The trade off in cost is definitely worth your peace of mind. As yoga teachers, there’s one thing we don’t like to think about, and we certainly don’t like to...

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8 Ways to Build Your Client Base as a Teacher

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 14, 2021

You just finished your YTT. Here's how to stand out from the crowd to build—and keep—a strong student following.   Building a solid client base is one of the prime...

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This Soulful Chant Will Help You Connect With Your Higher Power—And The Universe

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 04, 2021

Chanting is an important part of our yoga practice, and an excellent way to release emotions and express ourselves. In this devotional practice, Dr. Ingrid Yang, YJ September/October 2021 cover...

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