12 Stretches for Hiking That You (Desperately) Need After a Day on the Trail

This article was originally published on Yoga Journal. View it here.

When you hike mountains, every day is leg day. While trekking in Patagonia, I sometimes wondered if my legs would ever not feel sore again. Hiking uses your gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves, and requires sturdiness of all the joints—ankles, feet, hips, and knees. Carrying a pack can create tension in your neck and using hiking poles can cause your arms to become sore.

As it turns out, targeted stretching before and after each hike can prevent injury and aid in recovery. A recent survey of studies published in Wilderness Environmental Medicine Journal showed that yoga and stretching were associated with less injury for hikers.

After each day of 15-mile hikes in Patagonia, I returned to EcoCamp and practiced yoga in the Yoga Dome. Daily yoga gave my body the opportunity to recover with more ease and grace, rehydrating my muscles and freeing the lactic acid build-up. The following day’s hikes were met with less resistance in my joints and more intention in each step. So try this sequence after (or before, or preferably both!) your next hike. You’ll be impressed at how much faster you will recover from those long miles of uphill climbs.

Woman with dark braid practices yoga--Balasana (Child’s Pose with bent forearms)-- in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Balasana (Child’s Pose) with bent forearms

After miles on the trails, your entire body can feel tense and achy. Starting your post-hike practice in Child’s Pose invites relaxation into your nervous system and musculature. You can also open up your chest by propping your elbows and forehead on blocks, bending your elbows, and placing your fingertips on your shoulders. This also adds a stretch for the triceps, which can become sore from using hiking poles.

Woman with dark braid practices Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

After a day of hiking, especially if you have been carrying a big pack, some spinal decompression can be greatly appreciated, and this can be accomplished by any kind of inversion, including Downward-Facing Dog. It’s a fairly accessible inversion that provides gravity-driven lengthening for your spine. It also stretches your wrists and calves. If your calves feel particularly sore from going up and down the mountain, roll a blanket and place it under your heels for some extra support.

Woman with dark braid practices Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) with neck stretches in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) with neck stretches

When hiking, we often stare downward at the trail, which increases strain on the muscles that hold our head upright. Moving your cervical spine gently in every direction, as well as offering some traction can help ease any ongoing neck pain. Kneel on the mat and sit back on your heels, with your shins on the ground and knees hip width apart. (Place a block under your hips if you feel discomfort in your hips, knees or ankles). Sit tall and offer yourself some neck stretches.

Woman with dark braid practices Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (Cat/Cow Pose) in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (Cat/Cow Pose)

Cat/Cow is one of my favorite poses to help you get back in touch with the integrity of your spine and to thoughtfully reconnect with your breath. The protraction and retraction of the shoulder blades can also ease soreness from wearing a backpack.The rhythmic motion of this pose helps to gently loosen tight muscles along the entire spine and open space in the back of your shoulders.

Woman with dark braid practices Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)

The hip flexors work hard while you’re hiking, helping you lift your leg with each step forward. Tight hip flexors can decrease your stride length and cause your gluteus muscles to overwork, so you want to keep them as flexible and fluid as possible. Anjaneyasana is a great pose to relieve tightness and bring balance in the front and back of your hips. To add some chest opening, raise a climbing pole above your head and reach your arms back slightly behind your ears.

Woman with dark braid practices Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) with quadricep stretch in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) with quadricep stretch

Anyone who has hiked a mountain knows how much of a toll that takes on the quadriceps. This version of Anjaneyasana is a staple stretch for all hikers, and yet one we often neglect. Bring your foot closer to your buttocks for a deeper stretch, or away from your buttocks for more focus on the hip flexor. Place a blanket under your knee for additional support. Reaching back to grasp your foot also provides an additional stretch for the chest and front shoulder.

Woman with dark braid practices Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Splits) in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Splits)

Your hamstrings work in conjunction with the quadriceps to bend your knees while you walk, and they’re especially important when you are climbing. Hamstring health is integral to hiking because they have to lengthen considerably when the knee extends and the hip flexes as the foot contacts the ground. If you have tight hamstrings, your knee won’t extend properly which will impact your gait, often causing knee, hip or back pain. Practicing half splits is a great way to access hamstring opening, while also controlling how deeply you stretch. Place blocks under your hands if you prefer more back and gluteal lengthening. For an additional stretch for your shin muscles, press the sole of your front foot toward the ground.

Woman with dark braid practices Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose) with hands in reverse prayer in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose) with hands in reverse prayer

Warrior I is often thought of as a strengthening pose for the hips and legs, and it is. However, the positioning of the back leg also provides a stretch for the hip flexor, hamstring, and calf muscles. For a little less work in your front leg back out of the knee bend a bit. (It’s true, your front thigh doesn’t have to be parallel to the ground all the time, especially if your legs are tired from hiking!) A nice add-on to this pose is to bring your hands into reverse prayer or fist-to-fist. This gives a stretch to your shoulders and chest.

Woman with dark braid practices Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose) in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

Let’s talk buttock muscles: Our glutes do a lot of work for us day in and day out–and they are literally built to help get hikers uphill. When we factor in the force of gravity and a heavy backpack, this greatly increases the work on the gluteus muscles and quadriceps in comparison to walking on a flat surface. To counter that workload, Pigeon is a great posture to stretch your buttocks muscles. To provide an additional stretch of your quadriceps in your back leg, bend your knee and draw your heel toward your glutes.

Woman with dark braid practices Ardha Matsyendrasana (Lord of the Fishes) in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes)

Hikers commonly have tight IT bands, and this rigidity can often manifest as lateral knee pain–pain on the outside of the knee. If the gluteus muscles are too tight, (see Pigeon above), this can cause the IT bands to become even tighter. Half Lord of the Fishes pose is a nice way to relieve tightness in the IT band, while also providing a chest opening spinal twist.

Woman with dark braid practices Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) with Gomukhasana (Cow-Face) armsyoga in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) with Gomukhasana (Cow-Face) arms

If you hike fast, your ankles may be in a perpetually dorsi-flexed position. This can cause tightness in your tibialis anterior (your shin muscles), which can also cause ankle instability. Stretching the fronts of the lower legs will not only help you stay on the trails with a healthier stride, but it also feels so good. If this pose feels too intense in your knees or ankles (see neck stretches above), sit on a block for support. Also, a nice add-on, which stretches your triceps and forearms, is to bring your arms into Gomukhasana, using your hiking poles instead of a strap to help your hands reach each other.

fWoman with dark braid practices yogiv breathing exercises in a YogaDome, a geodesic dome in Patagonia. She is wearing peach colored tights and a light colored sports bra, and practices on a magenta colored mat. The room has wood floors and you can see crocheted covers on the triangular shaped windows. A view of the sky can be seen through the windows.

Breathing exercises

When we hike, we are often so busy taking in the scenery or watching our step that we often forget to breathe in the beautiful forest or mountain air. Take a moment to practice some breathwork to remind yourself to stay fully open, present, and awake to all you’ve accomplished, and all that is to come.

When fate meets fortune.

Big Island Hawaii. Where the volcano gods are revered and virgins sacrificed to the eruptions of the gods… I had a trip to Big Island planned a work conference), and 1 day before my flight, we read about the Mauna Loa Volcano eruption. I had no idea how this was going to affect my travel plans, but decided to go ahead and if it got worse, at least I’m a good swimmer? 😅 We got there on Tuesday night, and the next morning, drove up Mauna Kea (one volcano over from Mauna Loa) to get a view of Loa erupting. And it. was. awesome. It’s what the word awesome was created for. Truly awe-inspiring!
Anyway, while at the viewpoint, there weren’t a lot of people at the spot we chose, but there was a kind-appearing man with an impressive camera setup (tripod, long lens, the whole thing). So, I looked behind his camera and asked him if I could take a photo of the frame through his viewer. Then chatted with him a bit. His name was Greg and he was just as kind as he appeared to be. Then I got out of his space, and found my friend and asked her if she wanted to take a selfie with me.
We got on a rock, and took a quick selfie, and noticed that Greg was taking a photo of us taking a photo of ourselves (after we’d take a photo of the camera he was taking photos with — it was all very metta). We laughed and realized we probably looked a bit silly, but then he told us he was a photographer for the Associated Press and asked if we wouldn’t mind being photographed. We said yes and gave him our names.
The next morning, my co-worker texted us with the photo and article from the AP website with me and my friend as the main photo… then found ourselves in Washington Post… then my cousin sent me a photo from the SF Gate and New Zealand herald… and it went on and on… to where, the next day, my father sent me a photo of the front page of his Taiwanese newspaper with our photo on it!
Just goes to show. 1) It’s a small world. 2) get out there and have the courage to travel. You’ll see awesome things. The best experiences can’t be planned. And 3) Be kind and friendly to others, and you may get your photo printed in news outlets all around the world, even all the way to Asia 😉

Freedom to be: Kaplankaya, Turkey October 16-20, 2022

Join me in Turkey October 16-20, 2022 for the ultimate spa and yoga vacation!

5 days, 4 nights at Six Senses, Kaplankaya, Turkey

To book your spot, email or call:
[email protected]
+90 252 511 00 30

Freedom to be yoga retreat is a time to connect to nature, with others, and to the freedom within. Hosted at stunning Six Senses Kaplankaya, Turkey, this will retreat will allow you to tap into your most extraordinary self through connections with nature, the sea and yoga. 

On this retreat, Ingrid Yang, M.D., J.D., E-RYT500, C-IAYT will lead you through various forms of meditation and yoga, vinyasa flow in the mornings, and restorative, yin, yoga nidra and reiki in the evenings. You will swim in the Aegean Sea, enjoy beautiful landscapes, journal, eat magnificent food and rest your nervous system. Located on the Aegean coast of Turkey, this beautiful retreat will include spa treatments, yoga, sound healing, meditation, a fire ceremony, tour of the ruins – layered together into a schedule that will take you day by day through the layers of your soul.

W H A T ‘ S I N C L U D E D
Your retreat experience will include:

  • 5 days/4 nights in Six Senses suite with a balcony, outdoor couches and seating and an ocean view
  • 1 spa treatment (60-min massage or 60-min Turkish Hammam)
  • 1 group sound bath session
  • Fire ceremony (welcome invocation)
  • Private group tour of ruins Didyma-Priene-Miletos, with transport and guides
  • Brunch and 4-course dinner daily
  • Twice daily yoga sessions (morning vinyasa, evening restorative and therapeutic) with Dr. Ingrid Yang
  • Guided meditation and pranayama practices
  • Complimentary use all day if the 100,000 sq foot spa (including heat, ice, crystal, salt room and more)\
  • Access to daily wellness activities
  • Mindful nature walks
  • Yoga mats and props provided

W H A T ‘ S N O T I N C L U D E D
Your retreat experience will NOT include:

  • Lunch
  • Transport to and from retreat center (airfare is also not included)
  • Testing for COVID if required to enter or leave your home country or Turkey
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YES, the retreat includes a spa treatment of your choice between 60-min massage or Turkish Hammam (a unique experience I can recommend!) as well as full use of the Turkish spa facilities (100,000 square foot spa, the largest spa of the Six Senses brand)



• Walk-in closet and dressing area
• Spacious marble bathroom with separate shower
• Bathroom amenities
• Hair dryer
• Beach bag and flip flops
• In-room safe
• Laundry and pressing services
• Umbrella
• Tea and coffee making facilities
• Minibar
• Drinking water
• Flat panel television with satellite channels
• Marshall Bluetooth speaker
• High speed wireless internet

Overview_Exterior_[7290-A4] (1)

Superior or Deluxe Rooms
€2800 for single occupancy
€1999 per person (total $3898) for double occupancy

The Superior Rooms offer a contemporary studio-style personal oasis, with a beautifully integrated sleeping space, oversize marble bathroom and beautiful balcony views to the Aegean Sea with the options of a king-size beds or twin-size beds. Pictured below.


More info:

Fly intoMilasBodrum International Airport (BJV)

The resort in Kaplankaya is just north of Bodrum airport. Upon arriving, the car trip trip takes 45 minutes. The resort will be able to help you arrange transportation.

Superior or Deluxe Room with ocean view, Single Occupancy, King Bed €2800/pp
Superior or Deluxe Room with ocean view, Double Occupancy, Full-size Bed $1999/pp (must be booked with another guest)
Superior or Deluxe Room with ocean view, Double Occupancy, King Bed $1999/pp(must be booked with another guest)

Ridge Terrace with ocean view, Single Occupancy, King Bed $2600/pp
Ridge Terrace with ocean view, Double Occupancy, Full-size Bed $1800/pp (must be booked with another guest)
Ridge Terrace with ocean view, Double Occupancy, King Bed $3600 ($1800/pp)

All prices include tax, meals, etc. but do not include gratuity.

Please review the program policy prior to booking. By booking this retreat, you are agreeing to the policies as set forth in the Program Policy page.

Cancellation Policy:

Please see terms below for yoga retreats, workshop and teacher training courses payments:


Payments on account after deposits are NON-EXCHANGEABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE
Deposit of 20% is due at time of booking. Payment is fully due 3 months prior to  the start of the retreat or your spot and ddeposit will be forfeited. 

To book your spot, email or call:
[email protected]
+90 252 511 00 30

The 8 Best Yoga Poses for Tennis Players

The original article was posted on YogaJournal. See the article here.

With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, tennis fans are ready to hit the courts. During a recent trip to the Maldives, I took up tennis again after a 20-year hiatus and noticed sore muscles that I forgot existed! So, per usual, I turned to yoga to ease my aching muscles and to connect with my breath while playing this cardiovascularly intensive sport.

When designing a yoga program for a specific activity, whether tennis, cycling, or skiing, it’s helpful to begin with a review of the muscles we use while engaging in the sport. In this case, it is no over-exaggeration to say that tennis requires the use of all of our muscle groups. While it may appear that the upper body muscles are the primary movers in tennis, the lower body and core play an integral role as well. To understand how this dynamic works, we’ll have to visit our dear friend (or in my case, frenemy), physics.

Tennis is the transfer of energy

Effectively hitting a tennis ball requires the coordinated activation of a kinetic chain of motion. The kinetic chain refers to the linkage of multiple segments of the body, which allows for the transfer of forces, resulting in moving the tennis ball. When striking the ball, your core must engage as the feet push against the tennis court to propel your body forward, stabilizing the trunk and maintaining your center of gravity. The power then moves into your chest, back, and arms. In this elegant sequence of energy transfer, the power is conveyed from the legs and core into your arm and racket, then to the ball. So the racquet is simply the messenger transferring this power from your core to the ball.

This yoga sequence works to transfer vitality back to your muscles after a hard workout on the tennis court, and return the energy (virya) back into the ground.

8 yoga poses for tennis players

Prasarita Padahastasana (Reverse Hand-to-Foot Pose)

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: This variation of Padahastasana focuses on stretching your inner wrists and forearms, not the backs of your legs. In practicing this pose with the hands reversed—meaning your palms are on the ground, facing your body—the stretch is focused on your wrist flexors, which are integral in gripping the tennis racket. This stretch can also help to prevent muscular imbalance in the forearms, which will protect your wrist extensors, decreasing your risk for tennis elbow.

How to: From standing, fold forward over your legs. Bend your knees deeply so you can place your hands on the floor. Rotate your forearms so your fingers point toward your feet with your palms on the ground. Root the heels of your hands into the earth and feel a stretch in the inner forearms. Optionally, step on the back of your hands/fingers to intensify the stretch as shown in the photo. Hold for 3–5 breaths.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: This pose stretches the posterior legs, especially the calf muscles, which provide the power to push off from the court as you move toward the ball. It also stretches and lengthens your back muscles, which often become tight from quick bursts of running.

How to: From Prasaraita Padahastasana, step off your feet, turn your hands around so your fingers face forward. Step back and lift your hips into an inverted V-shape with your body. Straighten your elbows and drop your chest back toward your shins. Bend your knees slightly to take any strain off the backs of your knees. Pedal through your feet. This will enhance the stretch in the calf muscle opposite of the bent knee. Hold for 5–10 breaths.

Virabhadrasana I variation (Warrior I with chest stretch variation)

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: Chest and hip stretching are particularly important in tennis because your body sits in flexion as you wait for the ball to zoom across the net at you; your knees and hips bend, and shoulders hunch forward over your racket. This tension often tightens your chest muscles, which may increase your risk for shoulder injury. This Warrior I variation stretches the hip flexors in your back leg and your chest all at once.

How to: From Down Dog, step your right foot forward, bending the front knee to 90 degrees. Rotate your left foot slightly so that your outer heel is grounded. Raise your torso, and instead of extending your arms to the sky, interlace your fingers behind the back of your head and open your elbows wide. Allow your hands to create a hammock to hold the weight of your skull. Feel the fronts of your shoulders and chest open, and shine your heart to the sky. Take 5 deep breaths, stretching your intercostal (rib) muscles while maintaining your Warrior I legs. Transition to the other side through Down Dog and hold for another 5 breaths.

Gomukhasana variation (Cow-Face arms in wide-legged stance)

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: Shoulder stretches are helpful in tennis because they soothe the arm and upper back muscles, which are used every time you swing the tennis racquet. These stretches can also maintain your shoulder’s ability to internally rotate, preventing shoulder impingement injuries that can arise from the repetitive arm motions tennis requires.

How to: From your Warrior I variation, release your hands onto your hips and turn your body and feet toward the long edge of the mat. Keep your legs in a wide stance for a strong base of support, and reach your right hand to the sky and left hand down alongside the hip facing forward. Bend both elbows, reaching the right hand down and left hand up, trying to connect the fingers. If you are unable to touch the hands together, use your tennis racket (or a towel) to create an extension of the hands to find the shoulder stretch. Hold for 5 breaths and switch sides.

Bonus: You can also fold forward and relax your torso between your legs to add an additional stretch to the back of your legs.

Anjaneyasana variation (Crescent Lunge variation with quad stretch)

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: The quadriceps extend the knee, which is important for running powerfully in tennis. However, tight quadriceps can create muscular imbalances and leave the hamstrings vulnerable to injury, which is common in tennis. Quadriceps flexibility can help prevent knee pain, and reduce risk of knee and hamstrings injuries.

How to: Make your way into Down Dog, and then step your right foot between your hands, as you lower your left knee to the mat. (Double up your mat or tuck a blanket under your knee to pad your knee cap). Stack your hands on your right knee to lift your torso upright. Keep your right hand on your front leg for balance and bend your left knee to actively bring your foot toward your buttocks. Catch hold of your left ankle with your left hand. If there is strain to grasp your ankle, wrap a strap (or a towel) around your left foot and gently pull it toward your buttocks with your left hand to find the stretch. Hold here for 3–5 breaths and switch sides, transitioning through Down Dog.

Supta Eka Pada Rajakapotasana variation (Supine Pigeon)

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: Your lower body function is contingent on the foundation of the hips. Your hips support the spine, keep your body upright, and provide a base of support for your torso. When it comes to athletic challenges on the court, the hips are one of the most important parts of your body. Maintaining hip flexibility with stretching is an important way to sustain your tennis game long-term. This pose stretches the muscles in the outer hips which decreases tension/strain in the joints of the legs and lower back.

How to: Lower your knees from Down Dog and roll onto your back. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Bring your right knee into your chest, and externally rotate your hip joint so your right ankle rests above your left knee. Lift your left foot off the ground and draw both legs into your chest, interlacing your fingers behind your left thigh or shin. Relax your lower back on the ground (don’t let it lift off the mat), and optionally press your right knee away with your right hand to intensify the stretch. Hold for 5 breaths and switch sides.

Supine Twist

Why this yoga pose works for tennis players: Tennis requires a great deal of strength-based twisting in your torso. These movements can create tension throughout the torso, shoulders, and neck, and thus cause tightness in your postural back muscles. Twisting in an off-loaded position (without downward force on the spinal column) can help to release tension and relax these hard-working back muscles.

How to: Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the mat, extend your arms out to the side in a T-shape. Cross your right knee over your left and walk your buttocks to the right a few inches so your spine remains in alignment during your twist. Roll your knees towards the left and turn your head to the right. Relax here for 5–10 breaths and then switch sides for another 5–10 breaths.

Upper back mobilizer with a ball

Why this works for tennis players: Tennis or no tennis, this is an awesome recovery technique for anyone (especially with all the shoulder and neck strain we have due to sitting in front of computers and devices). And good news! If you play tennis, you’ll have a tennis ball handy. This self-massage technique is a great way to work knots out of your shoulders and neck, and is oh-so-satisfying.

How to: With a tennis ball in one hand, lie on your back or stand with your back against a wall. Position the ball above your shoulder blade, close to your neck. Move your body side-to-side, up-and-down to access your upper trapezius muscles. After a few roll-overs, let the ball rest there for a little while, taking some slow breaths, until you feel your muscles soften. You are in control regarding how deep you want the ball to unlock your muscles and can adjust by how much body weight you put on the ball. It’s best to be gentle as you start out.

One final recommendation

Tennis is a cardiovascularly demanding sport that requires a great deal of mental focus, so be sure to include some pranayama and meditation in your practice. In addition to improving your focus, pranayama can help improve lung capacity and strengthen your diaphragm. So, don’t skip out on doing some deep breathing and meditation to help your tennis game.

Newsweek: Yoga Exercises for COVID Recovery, According to Experts

This original article was featured in Newsweek. Read the original article here.

Has a COVID-19 infection impacted your breathing? If you’re looking to get back into exercising after COVID, yoga can be a key way to rebuild your breathing abilities, which is crucial for physical activity.

In yoga, each breath is connected to a specific action or movement. “This is the foundational principle of yoga as an exercise modality and philosophy,” Dr. Ingrid Yang, a physician and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT)-500 who is also certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), told Newsweek. “Yoga is the only form of exercise we know that, in order to perform properly, necessitates linking breath with movement.”

COVID affects everyone differently, with some coming out of it relatively “unscathed” and able to jump right back into their normal fitness routine. Others may deal with residual effects for an extended period of time, also known as long COVID, Kelly Clifton Turner, an E-RYT-500 and the director of education for YogaSix, told Newsweek.

Even after your doctor approves you for a return to exercise, it’s important to assess how you are feeling before beginning your normal workouts, the yoga instructor advised.

Here we look at some of the best yoga exercises for COVID recovery.

Yoga for COVID Patients

Clifton Turner suggests starting with simple movements that connect breath and movement.

These moves (such as the cat-cow, downward-facing dog, Chaturanga and half sun salutations recommended below by Clifton Turner) can be a good way to assess your strength, flexibility and stamina and “ultimately plan your broader return to yoga exercises, she said.

The COVID recovery yoga poses recommended by Yang below “stem from understanding what patients go through while they are actively infected,” the physician and yoga therapist explained.


According to Yang, many people recovering from COVID (along the entire spectrum of the disease from mild to severe) have not moved much during their active infection period and feel disconnected from their bodies.

The cat-cow invites movement and spatial awareness back to the body and also links this movement with breath, which is an essential component of COVID-19 recovery, she noted.

Clifton Turner said toggling back and forth for a few rounds of breath through the cat-cow moves can help awaken the spine and increase flexibility and mobility.

  • Get into a “tabletop position” on your hands and knees, with your shoulders positioned over wrists and hips over the knees.
  • Inhale and get into the cow position by “allowing your belly to hammock,” Clifton Turner said, and lifting your tailbone toward the sky. Tile your pelvis back, stretching your chest and face up to the sky, advised Yang.
  • Then exhale into the cat position by rounding your spine, tucking your chin toward your chest, hips towards your nose and your tailbone inward.

Yang advised going through the cat-cow movements with your breath for three to four cycles. You can also do the cat-cow moves sitting up in a chair by placing your hands on your knees and moving the spine through the cat-cow moves with your breath, she said.

Staff Pose

While this pose may initially seem like you’re simply just sitting on the ground, “it is actually quite difficult because you are actively sitting and using your postural muscles,” Yang said.

“Posture is integral for proper respiratory function and COVID-19 rehab is centered around encouraging patients to sit up tall and use their core and back muscles,” she explained.

  • Start by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. If this bothers your back, sit on a rolled up blanket or yoga block, Yang suggested.
  • Put your palms next to your hips to help you sit upright, while engaging the belly and relaxing your shoulder blades down your back.
  • Point your toes toward the sky so you feel the fronts of your legs engage. Stay in this position for three breaths.

The cat-cow and staff poses “work seamlessly together because they allow us to start moving the body again safely,” Yang said.

Locust Pose

Even patients who are not severely ill from COVID may still experience a milder form of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) during the course of their illness, Yang said. “With patients suffering from ARDS, we recommend a manoeuvre called proning. Locust pose is essentially a form version of proning,” she explained.

  • Start by lying on your belly on the floor or a mat. Your arms should be stretched alongside your body, with your forehead to the floor or mat.
  • Inhale to engage your belly to lift your arms, shoulders, chest, and head off the ground. Exhale to relax your body down.
  • “Try not to hold your breath as you rise and descend and allow the length of your breaths to be your focus,” Yang noted.
  • Cycle through this movement five to eight times. To rest, stack your hands under your forehead and take a few deep, relaxing breaths, she said.

Downward-Facing Dog

  • From the tabletop position, walk your hands about one-palm’s print forward. Tuck your toes under and draw your hips up and back toward the sky, Clifton Turner said.
  • Pedal out your feet to slowly open up your hamstrings, allowing your head to hang heavy to decompress your neck.
  • Once you are feeling comfortable, “move to a place of stillness so you can focus on long, steady breaths,” she said.

Chaturanga Transition

  • The Chaturanga (or yoga push-up pose) is a great test of strength, Clifton Turner noted. From the downward dog position, inhale and shift forward to “a high plan/top of a push up” position. Release your knees to the ground for more support.
  • Then exhale and lower halfway down while hugging your elbows into the body. “Focus on keeping the body long and strong from the feet through the crown of the head or your knees and crown,” the yoga instructor explained.
  • Stop once your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Press either back to a plank pose or pass through to form the upward-facing dog position before returning to the downward-facing dog move, she said.

Half Sun Salutations

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, allowing your hands to fall by your sides.
  • Inhale and circle your arms up to the sky.
  • Exhale and hinge at your hips, maintaining a long spine, and swan dive forward. Release your fingertips towards the floor or your shins.
  • Inhale and reverse swan dive back up to stand up.
  • Exhale and draw your hands back to your heart. Repeat this for three to five rounds, Clifton Turner advised.

Want to Deepen Your Focus in Meditation? Try This Zen Practice

The original article was posted on Yoga Journal. See the full version here.

You know that feeling of losing yourself in something you enjoy? That’s joriki.

The ability to settle into a state of one-pointed focus is a key element in meditation. On paper, this may seem straightforward, but even long-time meditators—even on their best days—can find it difficult to find focus. Learning joriki may help you reignite your focus and bring energy back into your mindfulness practice.

In Zen meditation, joriki is a term used to describe deep focus. The “jo” is sometimes translated as samadhi, which we know from the Yoga Sutras as a state of being intensely present. “Ki” is spiritual energy, compassion, and wisdom. As a word taken together, joriki means “stable strength”—the power or ability to remain steadfast, balanced, and focused.

You have probably unknowingly experienced joriki before. It’s losing yourself in something you enjoy so much that an hour goes by without even realizing it. In meditation practice, it is that calming sense that you are “at one” with the moment and at peace with circumstances. Joriki enables you to sit, undisturbed, allowing your thoughts and sensations to arise, while your mind and body are unified in meditative concentration. For most, that powerful concentration is often fleeting. However,  you can harness joriki again with a simple and intentional breathing practice.

A meditation practice for joriki

Step-by-step instructions

  • Start by finding a comfortable seat. Bring your focus to the breath and begin counting each breath as it arises. This gives you a tangible focal point to return to when your mind drifts.
  • Breathe in for a count of 4 and then exhale to a count of 4. Increase or decrease the number based on your natural cadence. Your breath should be easy, not forced.
  • When your mind begins to wander, “touch” the thought with your awareness and let it go. Return to your breath as your anchor. If you find this difficult, then imagine you are on a raft floating down river. As a thought comes up, let it go as your raft gently glides forward.
  • Avoid the temptation to suppress your emotions. As they arise, notice them, touch them, and sit with them. You cannot fight the current, you must simply move with it.
  • As you bring your attention back to the breath each time, you will stop noticing your thoughts as distractions, and your awareness will remain focused on the present moment.
  • With time, you will strengthen this skill and develop the patience to navigate the currents of life. Each time you return to the breath, your awareness will build and you will access the spiritual power of joriki with more ease.
  • Coming together with joriki

    Eventually, you will follow the rhythm of your breath and let go of your counting, you will become one with your breath, and the experience will feel effortless. In this state of joriki, your body and mind meet in serene focus. Don’t rush the process. With experience, your awareness will sharpen and your internal dialogue will dissipate. In this state of powerful concentration, your meditative practice will blossom. As joriki grows stronger, you will move closer toward samadhi, the single-pointedness of your mind and the power of focusthat lies within you.

Yoga Magazine: Yoga for JOMO

Read Ingrid’s article in Yoga Magazine’s March 2022 issue on Yoga for The Joy of Missing out, including a yin sequence for you to practice!


5 Yoga Poses to Ease Your Aching Neck

Technology can (quite literally) cause a pain in your neck. Luckily, your practice can help you find relief.

At least half of us will experience neck pain in our lifetimes, according to some estimates. But given our busy, technologically focused, modern lives (hello Zoom!), I’d say that has the potential to increase to 100 percent. Luckily, yoga for neck pain can help. Here, we look at why you may be having neck issues—and share five yoga poses that can help prevent and alleviate neck pain.

Read the full article on YogaJournal.com – https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/anatomy/neck/yoga-for-neck-pain/