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The Waiting Game

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Dec 05, 2018

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time waiting. Waiting for business emails, waiting for responses on job opportunities (I graduate in 6 months from residency! yikes!), waiting for patients...

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This is water

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 23, 2018

There is a story of these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says "Morning,...

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Meditation and Cancer Therapy

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Oct 10, 2018

The outward benefits of yoga seem almost too obvious when we begin to practice: strength, focus, peace of mind, balance… if you’ve practiced, you’ve felt it too. As we begin...

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Pranayama for Cancer Patients

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Sep 18, 2018

Yogic breathing “pranayama” has been shown to be an effective treatment for cancer patients in improving their sleep, relieving anxiety and improving quality of life. In particular, a dose–response relationship...

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Mentorship, coaching, and why we will always need guidance

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Sep 18, 2018

The other day, I had the privilege of hearing one of my life heroes and greatest inspirations speak, Atul Gawande. He is a Harvard CT surgeon that has dedicated his...

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Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Jun 08, 2018

This past week, I was lucky enough to take care of a patient who is 100-years-old. She was admitted to the hospital for a lung infection and as each day...

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Transforming through retreat - Listening to your body

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Apr 09, 2018

This week after returning from leading my Guatemala yoga retreat, I found myself feeling a bit weary, and craving time to myself (ok, Rusty is always invited). It wasn’t a...

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You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Feb 14, 2018

The other night, my friend and I were talking about choices. She is on the brink of a big career decision that will dictate the direction of the rest of...

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Comfort Zones

Posted By : Ingrid Yang | Feb 14, 2018

Comfort Zones: Exactly 24 hours ago, I was sitting on my bedroom floor with my freshly packed bag beside me, Costa Rica guidebook in my lap... and then it dawned...

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