
6 Vacations That Could Help You Live Longer and Healthier

All-inclusive retreats around the world aim to cultivate wellness and longevity though high-tech tests, “biohacking” treatments, meditation, breath work and more. Read the rest of the article on New York Times.

‘I’m a Longevity Doctor, and Visiting This Island Changed My Perspective on What Longevity Means’

I’ve dedicated much of my career to studying the factors that help people live longer, healthier lives—I'm a medical doctor specializing in longevity science, an advisor for RoseBar Longevity Clinic in Spain, and a registered yoga teacher focused on how movement can...

Channel Your Inner Ariel With Mermaid Pose—Here’s How to Add It to Your Yoga Practice

Mermaid pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana in Sanskrit) is a graceful and challenging yoga posture that beautifully combines flexibility, strength, and balance. It’s a deep hip opener that also targets your spine, chest, and shoulders, making it an all-encompassing pose for building strength and flexibility.

Mudra Magic in the Mountain

Check out the full article here!

Sun Salutations Are a Critical Part of Your Yoga Practice. Here’s How to Flow Through Them Confidently

Foundational sequences that invigorate both your body and mind, Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskars) stand as the cornerstone of both Vinyasa and Hatha yoga practices. You may have even encountered them in a yoga class without even realizing it. As some of the most...

Can You Say Fierce? Discover Your Inner (and Lower-Body) Strength With Warrior Pose

Yoga's warrior pose (virabhadrasana in Sanskrit) stands as a symbol of strength and endurance, embodying the qualities of the fierce warrior Virabhadra from Hindu mythology. This formidable asana, in its three forms, is an expression of physical prowess and a...

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Do your part. Wear a mask to save lives.

This photo is composed of the countless doctors who died from COVID-19 worldwide. Zoom in. Look at the individual photos. Look at each face, who had a name, a family, and 12+ years of training, to perform the job that ultimately killed them. I’ll admit it for the...

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Do masks restrict your breathing?
Do masks restrict your breathing?

Warning! Math coming your way! I wanted to dispel a common claim that masks disturb breathing. A coronavirus particle is 120 nanometers (nm) in diameter. Oxygen is 0.120 nm and Carbon Dioxide is 0.232 nm. To interpret these numbers very clearly, oxygen is 1000 times...

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Covid is still here.
Covid is still here.

We know how to slow the spread of the coronavirus. And it’s not rocket science. It’s just plain old, run-of-the-mill, everyday science. Just because our communities and restaurants are opening back up, *nothing* has changed about this virus or its lethality. It can...

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The Dangers of Antibody Testing
The Dangers of Antibody Testing

SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing has been touted as the holy grail – the get-out-of-COVID-jail free card. Because there are many asymptomatic carriers, some are understandably hoping: “if I’ve already had it and was asymptomatic, I could be immune!” and then can...

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