Will the COVID-19 vaccine be safe?

Will the COVID-19 vaccine be safe?

I know there have been a lot (and I mean, a lot) of conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, so I’m here to answer the question that more than a few of you have posed to me:  Is the COVID19 vaccine going to be safe? By all measures, yes. And here’s why:


The standard process of vaccination approval is rigorous, scientific, and designed to ensure the scientific community and public’s confidence in the vaccine. Every vaccine being developed for ANY disease (including the 5 that are currently in phase 3 for SARS-CoV-2) has its own Data and Safety Monitoring Board. These boards are independent of the biotech or pharmaceutical companies developing it, independent of the political administration, the FDA, and even independent of Dr. Fauci. They are comprised of scientists, biologists, ethicists and statisticians. At pre-determined time intervals, they review the data and, if at any point, there appears to be foul play, indiscretions with the data, safety concerns, or lack of efficacy, they will stop the development and potentially cancelling the trial altogether. At that point, no one else has access to the data except this board, not even the scientists developing the vaccine or the subjects getting the vaccine, or placebo (thus, the double-blind and randomized control requirement of the study). They could require early cancellation of the trial if it is dangerous and they can even accelerate the trial if they reached the predetermined end point of efficacy. No one else gets to know or see the data or make any determinations on the trial at that point.


When pre-determined end-points of efficacy and safety are finally met, the developing company will apply to the FDA to either get an EUA (emergency use authorization) or submit a biological use application (the data is strong enough to pass the FDA process). After they have met the requirements to submit the application, the FDA reviews the data. The career scientists of the FDA and the FDA commissioner have spent their entire lives (way before COVID-19 existed) reviewing experimental vaccines and drug therapies. They are the best in the world at what they do, and apply the scientific process rigorously and ethically time and time again. These are scientists I trust, that Fauci trusts. And you can trust them too.


After it passes the application process, the commissioner and FDA then subject the data to yet ANOTHER independent advisory group, the VRBPAC group for further evaluation and a meticulous review of the data and results. And finally, the data is released the public so the scientific community can pour over the data and determine its validity and safety. That’s a LOT of scientists reviewing this data. That’s a lot of people 100x smarter than I will ever be looking at the vaccine that I will put in my body to protect myself and others from COVID-19 infections.   So when a decision is made to approve a vaccine, it has gone through so much scrupulous analysis that its safety is clear. I am not saying there will be no side effects to anyone (that is statistically impossible), but you will know the potential harms and benefits. And for me, the benefit almost always outweights the harms (which may be a little arm soreness and maybe a day or two of fatigue).


So, when COVID-19 a vaccine is announced, I will review the data with and for you and do my own independent review. I’ll trust the scientists, but I’ll also do my own research (not from twitter, but in the data!) and I’ll let you know if I trust the vaccine. But all signs point toward trusting the system and trusting this vaccine that, like many other vaccines that preceded it such as measles, polio, influenza, will save a lot of lives.


Please note that, like the other information provided on this site, this material is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You are encouraged to consult your personal physician with questions or concerns. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or the emergency services number in your area.

When will life be back to normal?

When will life be back to normal?

Let’s face it. We are tired. I am tired too. I’m tired of not embracing my friends. I’m tired of not going out and only eating the food I cook myself. I’m tired of not traveling or not conducting work meetings in person. The sacrifices are worth it, but it has been demoralizing for all of us, and let’s be honest – it feels like it’s been FOREVER. But it hasn’t been forever. Just a half a year of soul-searching and character-building. But it helps to have an end in sight. So, when WILL this end? Here’s my messy, but hopefully realistic, estimate:

Based on the information we currently have (keeping in mind, the information is always changing), we hope to have a vaccine by December of this year. It is then projected that we will have about 700 million doses by April 2021 of said vaccine. It will likely be that many people will not want the vaccine right away due to trust issues (more on this in a future post about the safety of vaccines). So, even if we could vaccinate everyone within the first few months, due to delay by many skeptics, we likely will not have the required amount for herd immunity until the 3rd quarter of 2021.

Therefore, in reality, by the time enough people are vaccinated so that there will be enough impact to start thinking about nearing normalcy will be in the 3rd or 4th quarter of 2021… and that is pending availability of a vaccine by December of this year.

So… time will tell. This is just my best estimate (not a medical opinion, just an anecdotal estimate), based on the data (that is always changing!) on when we may get back to a sense of normalcy. How long will the immunity (and thus, normalcy) last? This will be addressed in a future post!

But for now, having an estimate helps me cope… knowing that this won’t go on forever. Sure, it may not be as soon as I want, but waiting until next year is *not* forever. And until then, let’s continue doing what we know works: socially distancing, washing our hands, and wearing masks. And when the time comes, we will be well-positioned to take on our 2021 normalcy with good health and embrace our friends with strong, COVID-free arms.

Love, Dr. Yang

Green Smoothie recipe!

2 cups oat milk (or almond)
5 large kale fronds, stripped (or 1 cup frozen kale)
1/2 cup raw almonds
2 TBSP chia seeds
1 banana (frozen preferred for texture)
1 pear or apple (frozen preferred for texture)
1 cup ice

Blend up! Perfect for breakfast, or a post-yoga meal!

What are you doing to settle into your heart and spirit?

“At the still point of the turning world… there the dance is.” T.S. Eliot

This past week I participated in a yoga nidra immersion. I have felt a lot of vata energy, and the immersion helped me feel grounded amidst the chaos that has been life these last few months. Next week, I will be participating in a week-long yoga nidra retreat (all online, of course), and I am looking forward to it. More chaos, change and unrest will come… and I hope to be grounded in my nervous system before it all makes me dizzy. I am learning to dance with the turning world, feel its rhythms and ground my soul. What are you doing settle into your heart and spirit?

Which mask is the right mask to wear?

Do you wear a face covering when out in public spaces? Thank you. But to add another layer of complexity, the type of face covering you wear matters. A recent study from Duke University (my alma mater!) demonstrated that bandanas and neck gaiters may actually be causing more harm than good. The problem is the porous nature of the fabric. The study demonstrates that if you sneeze or talk under a gaiter or bandana, the larger droplets may actually disperse into smaller droplets, which are lower in weight and mass. These lighter and smaller aerosolized droplets are more apt to linger in the air (which is the main avenue by which COVID is transmitted).

Based on the study results, the most protective masks (protecting others from you!) are N95 and surgical masks. But everyone in the world wearing N95 or disposable surgical mask is not sustainable. So, default to a cotton mask; they are still quite effective (reducing your expelled droplets by 10-40%) due to the multi-layers and tightly knit cotton. A good rule of thumb? If you can see through it when put it up against a light or you can blow through it easily, you are not protecting anybody. And continue to socially distance to further reduce your rate of transmission.

Remember, this pandemic has been so hard to contain because of asymptomatic carriers. And masks keep these carriers from unknowingly spreading the virus when they cough, sneeze or just talk.

I know this virus is complicated. But the guidelines are not. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Socially distance. I’ll share something I said to my own mother the other day: “Just because it’s not convenient for us, does not mean we should ignore the science.” I’m not telling you what mask to wear. I trust and believe you are trying your best. But I want to share the science as it evolves, so you can make an informed decision. This study demonstrates that the right face covering works. And if we want this pandemic to subside, the-right-mask-wearing is the way to do it.

Thanks for listening and spread the word (not droplets). 😉

Love, Dr. Yang

How to strengthen your lungs

With COVID-19 causing us to stay indoors, we tend to sit more, exercise less, and thus, use our lungs less efficiently. To get your lungs into better shape, your go-to option should be regular old physical activity — the kind that gets your heart rate up. Anything that makes you breathe faster is basically a breathing exercise, whether it’s biking for 20 minutes, swimming, walking, or practicing pranayama (yogic breathing exercises).

Staying active is especially important because lung function will decrease with neglect. Without use, the muscles that support your breathing become weaker and your lung tissue will lose elasticity. Studies (and common sense) have shown that exercise boosts lung function.

So, what should I do? Aerobic activity! It helps air get into the deepest parts of your lungs. And if there are any pollutants you’ve inhaled, aerobic activity helps you clear them out and decreases your risk of infection or pneumonia. Aerobic fitness also helps your body obtain oxygen from the environment and use it in the most efficient manner. So, if you happen to get COVID, and you’ve been doing cardio, that’s going to help you.

What’s important for lung health is to exercise at an intensity that quickens your breathing rate. Many of us don’t like the discomfort of heavy breathing, but when we push ourselves just outside of our comfort zones, we achieve the largest gains. That includes our lung health too.

Aerobic activity is also great for your muscles and weight maintenance. Sometime in the near future, this pandemic shall pass, and when it’s no longer acceptable to wear pajamas all day, it will feel good to put on those old jeans and leave the house. We’ll get through this, friends!

My last piece of advice? Mix it up! Just running every day will wear at your knee and hip joints, so make time to stretch, strengthen, and work on your range of motion! I participate in a different activity each day whether it is running, a HIIT class, biking, yoga, or a brisk walk. It’s all good for you and cross-training helps to preserve your joints.

So, get out there! Today! And strengthen your lungs, body, and spirit!

Love, Dr. Yang

COVID lies behind us, before us, and with us.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”― R.W. Emerson

COVID lies behind us, before us and with us. And while I’d argue that the pandemic isn’t “tiny,” as the days and weeks and months roll on, I’ve become increasingly convinced that what lies within each of us is greater than the virus… especially when we stand together. Thank you for the fortitude to continue to socially distance, wear masks, and be kind to those around you.

Love, Dr. Yang

Happy anniversary to the passing of the ADA.

Last week, July 26th, 2020 was the 30th anniversary of the passing of the American Disabilities Act. This historic federal legislation enhanced and extended civil rights to millions of Americans. Shortly before the act was passed, disability rights activists with physical disabilities coalesced in front of the Capitol Building, shed their crutches, wheelchairs, and other assistive devices, to pull their bodies up all 100 of the Capitol’s front steps. As the activists did so, many of them chanted “ADA now”, and “Vote, Now”. Jennifer Keelan, a second grader with cerebral palsy, pulled herself up the steps, using mostly her hands and arms, saying “I’ll take all night if I have to.” This direct action is reported to have “inconvenienced” several senators and to have pushed them to approve the act. The ADA improved access to public services, the built environment (e.g. sidewalks with curb cuts and accessible pedestrian signals), understanding of the abilities of people with disabilities, established a right to equal access to public services and has demonstrated the contributions which people with disabilities can make to the economy and society as a whole. Disparities still remain in employment, earned income, Internet access, transportation, housing, and educational attainment, and so much more, and the disabled remain at a disadvantage with respect to health and health care. We have so much more work to do. As a former rehab doctor, I saw firsthand these inequities and wanted so badly to level the playing field in some way, in the ways I know how. Thus, this book. Because yoga isn’t about fitting into our western paradigm. It is not about about making people fit yoga. It’s about yoga fitting people. Real people. All people. Because yoga IS for every body. I hope this book does justice to those that have fought for equal rights and equal access. I hope this is a book that Jennifer Keelan would be proud of. I hope that this book teaches people to do yoga who never thought they could before. Happy anniversary to the passing of the ADA. Look out for the book in November. Yoga is for every body. Yes. I mean it.