by Ingrid Yang | Feb 18, 2022 | Press, Yoga
Read Ingrid’s article in Yoga Magazine’s March 2022 issue on Yoga for The Joy of Missing out, including a yin sequence for you to practice!
by taylorsmith | Nov 19, 2021 | Press, Travel, Yoga
YOGA Magazine Dec 2021_ Ingrid Y
by taylorsmith | Nov 2, 2021 | Press, Yoga
Marketing yourself can feel downright unyogic, but it is possible to do it authentically—starting with your website. As a yoga teacher, you are brilliant at what you do. Now, you need to figure out how to market yourself. The first step: You need a website. Your...
by taylorsmith | Oct 18, 2021 | Press, Yoga
The trade off in cost is definitely worth your peace of mind. As yoga teachers, there’s one thing we don’t like to think about, and we certainly don’t like to talk about it: a student getting hurt in class. Just the thought of it probably makes you shudder in fear. If...
by taylorsmith | Sep 27, 2021 | Press, Yoga
Avoid these commonly used (and misused) phrases—and replace them with these better ones. As yoga teachers, you probably spend countless hours curating and planning classes that fit your individual teaching style and the needs of your students. But how often do you...