Do your part. Wear a mask to save lives.

Do your part. Wear a mask to save lives.

This photo is composed of the countless doctors who died from COVID-19 worldwide. Zoom in. Look at the individual photos. Look at each face, who had a name, a family, and 12+ years of training, to perform the job that ultimately killed them. I’ll admit it for the...
Covid is still here.

Covid is still here.

We know how to slow the spread of the coronavirus. And it’s not rocket science. It’s just plain old, run-of-the-mill, everyday science. Just because our communities and restaurants are opening back up, *nothing* has changed about this virus or its lethality. It can...
The Dangers of Antibody Testing

The Dangers of Antibody Testing

SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing has been touted as the holy grail – the get-out-of-COVID-jail free card. Because there are many asymptomatic carriers, some are understandably hoping: “if I’ve already had it and was asymptomatic, I could be immune!” and then can...