Today, a dear friend reminded me that today is National Women Physician’s Day. I am honored to celebrate this day as both a member and admirer of physicians. By 2050, women will consist of more than 50% of the physician workforce… while still being mothers, sisters, daughters, caregivers, side-gigers, philanthropists, volunteers, activists, friends, badass multi-taskers, and so much more. This profession is not just a job, it is a calling. In my late 20s, I changed the direction of my life to pursue this calling. From attorney to physician, it was the best decision I could have ever made. I am now one of those rare people that can say she absolutely loves her job. And with the hard work and sacrifices that came with this life change and the grueling medical training, I can now say I live my life in complete alignment with my values. The journey was wrought with seemingly impossible obstacles and turbulent waters. Time after time, challenges arose that caused me to doubt myself and my journey. And they still do. But I keep coming back. To the patients. To the humanity. To the inspiration that I gain day after day in this work from my colleagues and patients. I am proud and blessed to be doing what I love. To be part of this community of caregivers who work hard day after day. Not just to study and improve for the sake of their patients. But who maintain open hearts and thin skin — so that compassion and love can continue to permeate. So that each individual patient is a human, and not a number. So that we always know and remember the value of human life and human emotion. Because healing is not just about prescriptions, but about the openness of your heart and the depth of your gratitude. And I am grateful.  Happy Women’s Physician Day!!