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Here’s How You Can Help With the PPE Shortage While Staying Home
Read my recent feature in Cosmopolitan Magazine on how you can help with the current PPE shortage while staying home. Check it out!

We are in this together – COVID-19
*The beaches are closed. The parks are closed. But our hearts must stay open.* Today, the US now has more confirmed COVID-19 cases than any other nation. That is over 82,000 confirmed infections across the country. And this is despite having performed a...

The importance of stretching
Getting antsy during your self-isolation? It’s time to roll out the yoga mat that you bought at Target 8 years ago! (that may or may not still be in its original wrapping)… During this period of isolation, this is your chance reconnect with the physical and mental...

Hand Washing is Heroic
Soap -- any kind: liquid, solid (bar), even rainwater-scented -- is badass. That’s because when you wash your hands with soap and water, you’re not just wiping viruses off your hands. You’re actually annihilating the viruses, rendering them harmless. Why? Soap is an...

Community in Immunity – go for that run!
Community in Immunity. Just a reminder to keep up your immunity up by exercising and eating right. I made myself a green juice with lots of ginger. Whether or not ginger actually boosts my immune system, it made me happy. And there’s plenty of scientific evidence that...